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Christmas And The Turn Of The Year

Is it me, or do the years start to roll by quicker than they have before. My induction into the church feels like yesterday, but here we are in December already. As I am writing this (on the 12th of...

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Anniversary and Remembrance

As I sit writing this, it is a day after my birthday.  This always leads me to be a bit reflective, even more so as the years roll on.  It is funny how perspectives change over the years.  I remember...

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What Ever Happened To Summer?

I don`t know about you, but I am patiently waiting for summer to begin before it`s too late.   It is getting to the stage where I am resigned to the fact that every time I go out it`s layers that...

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Dexy's (Mis)Adventures!

Woof! Hello, friends!

My name is Dexy, and I’m our minister’s friendly Cockapoo with a nose for adventure and a heart full of love. Welcome to my blog, “Dexy’s (Mis)Adventures!” 🐾

Here, you’ll find tales of my escapades, from chasing squirrels in the park to discovering the best spots for belly rubs. 

Whether I’m playing fetch, meeting new furry friends, or just lounging around, there’s always something exciting happening in my world.

Join me as I sniff out new adventures and share my dog-approved good life with you. 

Paws and kisses, Dexy 🐶💛

Dexy’s (Mis)Adventures – Chapter 4: The Guild

Recently my dad took me to the Guild. I had no idea what to expect, or who might be there. He says I have fans who want to meet me. Even better, they wanted to feed me! Although, the entire...

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Dexy’s (Mis)Adventures – Chapter 3: Trigger Words

Over the past 4 years I have had to learn to communicate with my family.  But they are a bit slow on the uptake at understanding me at times.  They just don’t understand my barks.  It’s like I am talking...

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Dexy’s (Mis)Adventures – Chapter 2: Woof!

Now, on the whole I`m a pretty quiet dog, really easy going and laid back.   But, what my owners did not realise,  they were getting a highly trained guard dog almost on the level of the SAS.   I am there...

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